How To Fight Criminal Child Abuse Charges In St. Petersburg, Florida
Individuals facing child abuse charges in St. Petersburg, can benefit from speaking with a criminal defense lawyer. Many child abuse cases are serious. However, many cases can also be blown out of proportion. For example, a parent with a disciplinary action that went too far.
Unfortunately, the law doesn’t see the gray area in child abuse cases. That is why we work so hard for our clients. Being arrested and accused of child abuse can have a serious impact on your relationship with your children. However, it is not nearly as bad as what a conviction would bring.
Family and friends may distance themselves. One may also lose their job or have trouble finding employment. That being said, the courts have little sympathy for abusers of children and a defendant may have the fight of their life ahead of them.
Therefore, it is critical to seek the guidance of an experienced criminal defense attorney in St. Petersburg for your case with the knowledge and guidance in all areas of criminal law.
Our firm works closely with you, acknowledging the sensitivity of the case and need for discretion while we dedicate ourselves to our trial attorney skills and defending your case at every step of the legal process.
Mandated Reporters
Be aware that there are certain professionals who are required by law to report any evidence of child abuse. These individuals don’t have the same intimate relationship that parents do with the children. As a result, sometimes these reports are not always accurate. As your criminal defense attorney, we will work to investigate the legitimacy of the claims being made.
Mandated reporters may include:
- Physicians and nurses
- Mental health counsellors
- Social workers
- Police and law enforcement
- Judges
- Teachers and other school staff

What Happens If I am Convicted of Abuse in Florida?
Child abuse cases can have many consequences including jail or prison to the loss of custody of your children. Florida Law designates three types of child abuse cases: Child Abuse, Aggravated Child Abuse and Child Neglect. Moreover, you’ll need to understand your options for fighting the charges including the consequences between a plea deal for a lesser charge or what you might face if convicted. We also consider how to get your get dismissed due to insufficient evidence.
With this in mind, if you are found guilty of child abuse, you will likely be facing a range of punishments from a third degree felony including 5 years in prison to a second degree felony and up to 15 years in prison. The charges all depend on other factors such as the length of abuse and other criminal history.
Call The Law Office Of William B. Bennett For Help
Charges for child abuse are extremely serious in the State of Florida and the consequences if convicted will not only harm your criminal record, but cause serious complications for your entire family. You should speak with an experienced child abuse lawyer at William B. Bennett Law, P.A. about your case after you have been arrested to make sure you aren’t giving up your rights and to learn more about the options for fighting your case. Call us at (727) 821-8000 or contact us on our website here.