Appellate Attorney in St. Petersburg For A Criminal Appeal
When a criminal trial ends, the legal pursuit is not over. In fact, it is fairly common for attorneys to file a criminal appeal on your behalf if your case is eligible.
The criminal appeal process requires the knowledge of an experienced attorney who is familiar with the process. The Law Office of William B. Bennett, P.A. is one such law firm that can help. Our legal team provides you over 25 years of experience as an advocate for your criminal appeal process. For this reason, we know how to navigate the system and work with you to ensure your case is heard in a Florida appellate court. Call our office at (727) 821-8000 and learn how we can help with the appeal for you or a loved one.
What Is A Criminal Appeal?
An appeal can be filed once a trial has come to an end and decided by a judge. Consequently, a criminal appeal can be filed by either the defendant or the plaintiff. An appeal is a request made to have the case reviewed by a higher court for errors. Furthermore, the filing is made if one party believes the decision made was not fair or constitutional. This higher court is called the court of appeals or appellate court. After an appeal has been filed, the court will review the case and decide if the ruling should be upheld or overturned.
Additionally, several different kinds of cases such as probate, real estate law, divorces, family law cases can be heard in an appellate court after a trial or case comes to an end.

How Does A Criminal Appeal Work?
Once an appeal has been filed, the case will move through a series of several steps before a verdict is handed down.
- Eligibility for appeal review needs to be determined.
- The court needs to collect necessary documents and files connected to the case.
- A filing notice is then filed.
- A decision is made to determine of an appeal bond is needed to delay a sentence.
- The criminal appeal legal team needs to write the briefs and files the memorandum.
- The appellee is then given an opportunity to respond to the appeal or even file a counter appeal to the case.
- Arguments are heard.
- The court makes it decision.
- A motion is filed for a possible rehearing.
- A final mandate is handed down from the appellate court.
Granted, not every case can be heard in appellate court. As a result, that’s why it is so critical to hire aggressive and experienced representation for a criminal appeal. Contact The Law Office of William B. Bennett today for a free consultation and to get your appeal process started.
How Long Will The Appeal Process Take?
Every case is different. Thus, depending on the case load of the courts, a criminal appeal typically takes around 18 months from the filing date to the verdict. With the right attorney on your side helping you navigate the process, some cases can be heard faster. In summary, if you wish to file an appeal on your case, don’t delay. Call the Law Office of William B. Bennett, P.A. today at (727) 821-8000 or use the contact form on our website to schedule a free consultation today.