Florida Takes Driving Under The Influence Extremely Seriously And An Aggressive DUI Lawyer Can Help Your Defense
Driving under the influence or DUI charges have become so commonplace, that many don’t take them seriously. However, one single DUI charge can damage your reputation, cause you to lose your job, disrupt your education. Plus, not to mention, it can cause problems in your relationships. You need an experienced DUI lawyer to protect you and your family.
Multiple DUIs in Florida can land you in jail with a criminal record or even prison with severe fines. It doesn’t matter if your previous DUI was 20 years earlier. Your charges are treated the same as present day.
If you have charges pending against you in St. Petersburg or Clearwater, FL, it is critical to obtain an aggressive DUI lawyer to fight them as soon as possible.
The criminal defense lawyers at the law offices of William B. Bennett, P.A. will be your advocates in your DUI case. So, you can rest easy on the best possible outcome. We have over 20 years of experience fighting DUI cases. We understand how to best predict and attack the prosecution’s case against you.
The Law Office of William Bennett has helped several clients obtain successful outcomes in many DUI cases across the Tampa Bay area. While no one can guarantee success, we can guarantee you will receive top level service and representation throughout your DUI case.
What are the penalties for a DUI in Florida?
- First DUI: The maximum possible sentence for your first DUI offense could be six months in jail and $500 to $1,000 in fines.
- Second DUI: Your second DUI offense could result in your license being suspended up to one year, a jail sentence up to nine months and $1,000 to $2,000 in fines.
- Third DUI: If you get a third DUI conviction in Florida, your driver’s license is revoked along with a prison sentence of up to five years, and up to $5,000 in fines.

What Happens If I Refuse To Take A Breathalyzer Test?
As part of the criteria for getting your driver’s license, the state of Florida has an implied consent law. This means you agree to submit to any chemical or physical test if you are stopped for suspicion of driving under the influence.
The penalty for refusing a breathalyzer test is an automatic license suspension and you can still be convicted of a DUI.
For More Information on Florida DUI Laws
Please visit the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles for additional information on DUI charges and their consequences. We also have several articles about DUIs and their consequences.
Call The DUI Lawyer At The Law Office Of William B. Bennett For Help
No matter whether you refuse the breath test or not, the law offices of William B. Bennett can help guide you through the process after your decision. Furthermore, we can help you obtain a temporary license and possibly have your charges reduced. In special circumstances, we might get your charges dismissed altogether.
Contact us here or call us today at (727) 421-8000 for a free consultation with our expert DUI lawyer criminal defense legal team.