Here Are Five Common Questions About The Laws In Florida Regarding Alimony
Alimony is financial support that a person is given by a court to give to their spouse during separation or following divorce. Financial support may be awarded on different criteria, including the length of the marriage and the need of the recipient spouse vs. the financial ability of the payee spouse.
What Are The Different Types Of Alimony?
There are five main kinds of alimony: temporary, permanent, durational, bridge the gap, and rehabilitative alimony. The major differences in types of alimony are the duration of payments from one spouse to the other and why.
Temporary Alimony in Florida recognizes that a lower-earning spouse may need temporary financial support between the time the divorce is filed and the time that a final order in the case is signed by the judge. This is opposite of Permanent Alimony, which provides support until either spouse dies or remarries.
Durational Alimony provides a financially dependent spouse assistance, time frame being a month or years after divorce. This type of support is granted when there is no need for permanent spouse support but it cannot exceed the length of the marriage.
Florida is one of few states that offer Bridge-The-Gap Alimony, which helps the recipient spouse meet legitimate short-term needs while transitioning from married to single. Rehabilitative Alimony focuses on the spouse possibly continuing their education or expertise to become self-supportive.

What Factors Impact Financial Support In Florida?
Florida is a no fault divorce state, which means that if a couple no longer gets along they can file divorce. A spouse may file for a divorce without his or her spouse having committed any fault. Florida divides marriages into three different terms, with short-term for anything less than seven years, moderate term for 7-17 years, and a long-term marriage for anything beyond 17 years.
Can You Receive Support Without Divorce?
It is possible to receive support without a divorce in Florida. Florida Statutes say a spouse may be required to pay support payments in Florida without filing. Spouses have a legal duty to provide financial support to each other and talking to your Divorce Lawyer is the best way to find more information.
How Much Alimony Should I Pay And For How Long?
The only two main factors the court must consider in determining the amount and length of alimony are the need of the payee spouse and the ability of the paying spouse to pay.
Can Financial Support Judgements In Florida Be Modified?
Yes, the Court can modify alimony to increase, decrease, lengthen, or terminate. Evidence is needed to prove why the financial support should be modified, like financial transactions and records of a spouse.
Call Us Today If You Have Questions About Alimony And How It Might Affect Your Divorce
A divorce can be one of the most difficult life changing events to endure. We understand how stressful this time can be on families. To understand the divorce process and your options, consult the St. Petersburg family law and divorce lawyer at The Law Office of William B. Bennett, P.A. at (727) 821-8000 or contact us online by clicking here.
Tagged with: Alimony, Divorce, Divorce Lawyer