4 Things To Know About DUI Cases In Florida
With over 20 years of experience fighting DUI cases in Florida, we know exactly how to best predict and attack the prosecution’s case against you.
With over 20 years of experience fighting DUI cases in Florida, we know exactly how to best predict and attack the prosecution’s case against you.
A divorce can be one of the most difficult life changing events to endure. If you want to learn more about alimony and your options, consult the St. Petersburg family law and divorce lawyer at The Law Office of William B. Bennett, P.A.
The right against self-incrimination basically states that you don't have to talk about your case or testify on your behalf. When one "pleads the 5th", the burden is then put on the state to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Your miranda rights are built on the 5th Amendment as a method to help protect those rights.
DUI or Driving Under the Influence does not mean Drunk Driving. A person with a Florida DUI charge must show a blood alcohol level of 0.08% or higher in Florida. Therefore, if you are ever charged with driving under the influence in Florida, it is essential you know the Florida DUI Laws and how they affect your rights.
Divorce is challenging and alimony, or spousal support, is an intimidating topic. Spouses are often unsure of what alimony is and how it impacts their divorce or separation. Along with a skilled divorce attorney, knowing the Florida Alimony options can help you prepare for the best possible financial outcome.
Being accused or convicted of any of the Florida voyeurism Laws is a serious crime. A “Peeping Tom” is a person who watches another person without their knowledge, usually with lustful or indecent intentions. It is considered a sexually motivated crime.
While Florida does not have a specific embezzlement law or statute, this crime type is a crime of property theft, and the penalties and conviction for this “white-collar crime” are especially harsh. A highly seasoned criminal defense lawyer is the best defense for your case. Learn more.
It is essential to understand gun ownership in Florida and knowing your rights in order to avoid complications with the law. Learn more…
The Marital House Is Your Largest Asset As A Married Couple. How It Gets Distributed In A Divorce Is An Important Question. This is often the first question couples ask as they consider a divorce. If owned, the marital house is often the largest asset shared by the couple. Learn more…
Not all marriages survive differences and challenging times, and when you find that divorce is the only option for you and your spouse, hiring the right attorney can help make the process go a lot smoother. Learn more…
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